RSS 2023 Recap

Last week, I attended Robotics: Science and Systems in Daegu, South Korea. While there, I presented our paper, Non-Euclidean Motion Planning with Graphs of Geodesically-Convex Sets . This was my first experience presenting at a single-track conference, and giving a talk in front of hundreds of people was pretty anxiety-inducing! But I think the talk and poster session went very well. You can view the poster here , and I've clipped a recording of the talk from the RSS livestream here . There were several papers at the conference that I found particularly interesting. Path Planning for Multiple Tethered Robots Using Topological Braids presents a group-theoretic framework for tethered quadrotors, which may be in a knotted configuration. It would have been very nice to know about their work when I was working on my final project with Seiji Shaw for Underactuated this past spring. In that project, we ended up making the simplifying (and somewhat unrealistic) assumption that the cab...