
Showing posts from May, 2022

ICRA 2022 Recap / First Blog Post

Last week, I attended the 2022 International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA). This was my first in-person conference, and it was a wonderful opportunity to meet new people in the robotics world and catch up with Laboratory for Progress alumni. Of course, the main reason I attended ICRA was to presented the accepted paper Topologically-Informed Atlas Learning . I had the opportunity to give a 4 minute technical talk in the Representation Learning session and discuss this work further at the subsequent poster session. While at the conference I attended a variety of interesting technical talks. From our lab, Anthony Opipari gave a workshop talk on his work Differentiable Nonparametric Belief Propagation , and Emily Sheetz gave a technical talk on her publication Composable Causality in Semantic Robot Programming (to appear in the conference proceedings). My advisor Chad Jenkins also gave an invited workshop talk on how best to combine probabilistic reasoning with data-dri